How Thinking Affects Conflict

Change your Thinking- Improve Conflict Management If you really want to improve your communication skills, particularly related to conflict management, it’s crucial to begin with changing your thinking.  For the moment, forget about finding new skills, getting new tools.  Start with changing your thinking. New thinking helps create new and effective patterns of conflict management, […]


Competitive vs Cooperative Communication

Communication: Competitive  vs Cooperative We are taught from the earliest of ages that good communication is imperative.  In both subtle,  and direct ways, we are taught to be competitive when we communicate.  Simultaneously, we are told to be cooperative.  What an impossible task–to be cooperative and competitive at the same time. The conundrum we are […]


Rules For Managing Conflict

The following is an article from Psychology Today, and it hits the nail on the head about essential rules that can guide you when managing conflict. You will find it at this link: Psychology Today Wishing you a satisfying relationship, Jim Hutt, Ph.D., MFT ©2011


How To Be Understood

How To Be Understood: Back To Basics Conflict between couples is both inevitable and ubiquitous.  In the middle of the fight du jour churns the desire to be understood.  How in our world are we to comprehend what our partner is so desperately trying to convey?  How in their world are we to transmit to […]



I want your input!  Why?  Because what you want matters to me. Tell me what aspect of managing conflict, managing your relationship, or any other aspect of your relationship you would like to see become part of my new program.  The name of that program? RE-BOOTING YOUR RELATIONSHIP 2.0! This extensive program is nearing completion, and […]
